Nog één week

Met nog één week te gaan tot het eerste N.O.P.E. kunnen we zeggen dat het hard werken is om alles op tijd af te krijgen. Maar het is gelukt! De caches liggen op hun plek, de listings zijn gemaakt en de boekjes worden gemaakt. Wij hebben er enorm veel zin in en hopen volgende week iedereen een mooie dag te kunnen bezorgen.

[N.O.P.E.] 2018 Online

Our first ‘normal’ event was published today, please visit THIS LINK and place a ‘will attend’ to be part of this.
After the CITO event in the Waterloopbos last september, we noticed the enthusiasm among geocachers and therefor we are now hosting a regular event.
We are welcomed by vakantiepark ‘Eigen Wijze’ in Bant. Click the link to find out about your stay on the park, there are tent, caravan and camper spots available. There are – limited – holiday homes as well.

We look forward to meeting you at our event!

Adopted caches

Our fellow geocacher ‘Haakmeer’ requested the following series of geocaches to be adopted by us: ‘Oorlogshelden in de Polder’ (War heroes in the Polder) and ‘Geen moeilijke puzzel…’ (Not a difficult puzzle).
We will take care of these geocaches, that exist since 2008, just as they requested.

This adoption includes the following geocaches:
Warheroes in the polder 1: Johannes Post
Warheroes in the polder 2: Hannie Schaft
Warheroes in the Polder 3: Karel Doorman
Warheroes in the Polder 4: Han Stijkel
Warheroes in the Polder 5: Titus Brandsma
Warheroes in the Polder 6: De Bonuscache
Not a difficult puzzle…2
Not a difficult puzzle…3
Not a difficult puzzle…4
Not a difficult puzzle…5
The traditional cache ‘Not a difficult puzzle…1’ is archived, we will try to get it back. We will place a new cache on the same spot if not succesfull.

First CITO event

Op Saturday the 30th of September – in the CITO week –  N.O.P.E. organises his first event in the Noordoostpolder, it is about a CITO event in the Waterloooboos of Natuurmonumenten. If it is succesfull, we’ll do this more often.

It’s going to be this:

  • GC Code: GC79JTB
  • Eventlocation: Waterloopbos
  • Datum: Saturday the 30th of September, 2017
  • Activities: Pruning a talud, clear one of the models, and removing small trees